From decorative to functional, LightArt can help set the mood at restuants, cafes and everything in between.

Find the right lighting for any restaurant–from fine dining, fast casual or even cafeterias. LightArt has fixtures that offer functional, focused, and inviting lighting options for any space.

LightArt's decorative, architectural, and acoustical lighting applications can help specifiers achieve design goals.

We've collected a few of our recent projects within the restaurant hospitality setting to showcase how LightArt can help elevate and distinguish a space.

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LA2 Connected Shapes

Lightart la2 connected shapes circus circus foodcourt web 1

LA2 Connected Shapes

Designed for Easy Maintenance

LightArt's products are undeniably durable and easy to clean. A duster or cloth can be applied for a regular, seasonal cleaning program, which will prevent any weathering and dirt or grease build up.

For heavier stains incorporate common cleaning products such as Windex, Formula 409 or 10:1 Water/Bleach Solution. These simple steps make LightArt a great solution for high traffic spaces like restaurants and other hospitality environments.

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Lightart acoustic echo blue jay cafe 1
3form lightart three nordstrom HI 1920

LA2 Essentials Three

3form lightart connected shapes northwestern mutual workplace cafeteria

LA2 Connected Shapes

Reach out to us for more project and product information at or 206-523-2223.